Nighttime view, with colored light . . .

Just after completion . . .

Shortly after completion . . .
Later, with landscaping . . .
Some years later . . .
Granite Lookout, 2009
Commissioned by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles
Composed of 10 irregularly stacked granite blocks, each 12" x 12" x varying lengths up to 7', this piece also includes 2 acrylic lightboxes, each 12" x 12" x 36". During the day, the boxes are white, but at night they glow with rich color, one red and one blue. Built for the firemen, this work emphasizes their strength, using one of strongest material, granite, formed by fire. The light at night reminds us that they are always there for us, never closing their doors. 3 views are shortly after installation, 2 more in 2022.
Materials: granite, acrylic, LEDs, concrete
Firehouse 4, 450 E. Temple Street, Los Angeles CA (permanent installation)
Building Granite Lookout